Friday, May 18, 2012

Flannel Friday: Mother Goose on the Loose

Baby storytimes work so well with flannels. I use Mother Goose on the Loose to plan and have all the rhymes and songs memorized, so I use the pieces as a reminder.

Slowly, Very Slowly
Tickle Rhyme
Slowly, very slowly
Creeps the garden snail,
Slowly, very slowly
Along the garden trail.
Quickly, very quickly
Goes the little mouse
Quickly, very quickly,
All around the house.

Itsy Bitsy Spider
The "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is always a favorite as most children and parents are already familiar with it. I love when the little ones start doing the motions as soon as I put him up.

Humpty Dumpty
I use Humpty Dumpty as the interactive rhyme each week. Each child gets a turn to pull him off the board. Most of them like to put him back up, too!

Notes from the Story Room is hosting this week.


  1. Humpy Dumpty is a handsome fella! I love all of your pieces and how you use them. I'm curious ~ How old are your little ones who actually like putting Humpty back on the board?

    1. Thanks. The ones who like putting Humpty back up are 18+ months. The really little ones usually go for the eyes.

  2. How may children attend storytime? I attended a MGOL presentation and have wondered what the ideal number of children is for letting them come up to the flannel board. I always make flannels for my lapsit rhymes now because I love the visual cue and it limits my need to say, "Now we're doing this," and, "Now we're doing that."

    1. The LONG answer:

  3. Oh and your humpty is sooo charming and detailed!!

  4. I love these flannel additions to nursery rhymes! I bet Grady would love these!

    1. Definitely! I would suggest using something other than googly eyes if G's going to be handling them. Those get pulled off all the time. Maybe sew on some button eyes?


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