Thursday, March 25, 2010

Storytime Break!

We are taking a week off before Spring Break, so we can have some springy fun for those of us who are not going away. This year, we are holding Spring Fling during Spring Break. Our theme is "Spring into Spring" and we'll be doing lots of jumping. This is a great theme for all ages, because even the littlest child likes to bounce and jump. You can come dressed up as any animal that hops! Wednesday, April 7th from 10:30 to 11:30, we will have stories, crafts, games, and a snack!
Regular storytimes will start again in two weeks on April 14th and 15th and continue through the end of the month.
Wednesdays- Ages 3-5 @ 10:05
Thursdays- All Ages @ 10:05, Babies/Toddlers @ 11