In January, Bobo learned letters A, B and C. The last week of the month will be a review week.
I set up his white board for letter recognition review.
He used his Leapfrog flashcards to help identify the beginning sounds of his figures. He did insist on putting Captain America with the Avengers instead of the letter C like I expected. He said Cap has an A on his mask, so he should go with the letter A. I couldn't argue with that logic.
A for Avengers craft |
B is for Batman craft |
C is for Captain America (real shield) |
The C craft is missing the letter because Bobo did not want to "ruin" his "real" shield. He modeled the colors of the shield from his Captain America costume. I still haven't come up with an alternate letter C craft. Maybe he can decorate the letter C with star stickers?
I love your review ideas and crafts :) I should probably do a review week too!