Monday, March 5, 2012

Rainbow Scrape Painting

I was inspired by Happy Hooligans painted rainbows and Tribal Times magic rainbow, so I combined both ideas. I had to show Bobo how to scrape paint as we've never done it before. We used one of his play dough tools, or as he calls it "my knife." I think this would work wonderfully with a small ruler, like you can find at a local fair (for free).

Bobo did this one on his own:

We did this one together:

Surprisingly, Bobo did not ask to paint his whole body. He did request a footprint, though:


  1. Beautiful!!! I am a new follower stopping by from TGIF! Morgan,

    1. Yay! Thanks for following. I love all the blogging mamas out there. I don't often find like-minded ones in real life.


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